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The Bezod were created by Torn.

  • Average Height: 2,6
  • Skin color: dark
  • Hair color: none

The Bezod are big and strong, but slow. They are living in some countries of Velipea and Verocan. The Bezod are aggressive.


The Malviur were created by Torn.

  • Average Height: 2,2
  • Skin color: light bluegreen
  • Hair color: none

The Malviur have deep black eyes and just two small holes to hear. They are living in some countries of North-Nantha and Verocan. The Malviur are aggressive.


The Midas were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 1,7
  • Skin color: white to brown (like humans on earth)
  • Hair color: all (even blue, pink, green,…)

They are living in some countries of North-Nantha and Verocan.


The Raral were created by Torn.

  • Average Height: 1,7
  • Skin color: dark red
  • Hair color: none

The Raral have two small holes to hear and white eyes. They are living in some countries of Eniya, Nantha, Quantis and Verocan. The Raral are very aggressive.


The Roas were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 2,1
  • Skin color: grey - dark grey
  • Hair color: none

The Roas have two ridges on their head. They are living in many countries of Acathea, South-Nantha and Quantis.


The Varos were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 1,6
  • Skin color: yellow - brown
  • Hair color: black

The Varos have bigger and longer ears then the other peaceful races. They have much black hair on the head. This race is living in many countries of Eniya, North-Nantha and Velipea.


The Xul were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 1,8
  • Skin color: green/gray - dark green
  • Hair color: white & black

The Xul have some bone plates on their head. They are living in some countries of Eniya & South-Nantha.


Zuletzt geändert: 2020/05/19 17:40