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Created by Torn after he killed Ioneta and stealed her power to create human-like creatures.


The Malviur were created by Torn.

  • Average Height: 2,2
  • Skin color: green - dark green
  • Hair color: none

They are living in some countries of Northern Nantha and Verocan. The Malviur are aggressive.


The Midas were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 1,7
  • Skin color: white to brown (like humans on earth)
  • Hair color: all (even blue, pink, green,…)

They are living in some countries of Northern Nantha and Verocan. The Midas are peaceful and a sophisticated culture.


Created by Torn after he killed Ioneta and stealed her power to create human-like creatures.


The Roas were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 2,1
  • Skin color: grey - dark grey
  • Hair color: none

They are living in many countries of Acathea, South-Nantha and Quantis. The Roas are peaceful and a very high sophisticated culture.


The Varos were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 1,6
  • Skin color: yellow - brown
  • Hair color: none

They are living in many countries of Eniya, North-Nantha and Velipea. The Roas are peaceful and not sophisticated.


The Xul were created by Ioneta.

  • Average Height: 1,8
  • Skin color: green/gray - dark green
  • Hair color: white & black

They are living in some countries of Eniya & South-Nantha. The Xul are peaceful and the most sophisticated culture of all.


Zuletzt geändert: 2020/04/21 20:18